Riding an electric bike reduces carbon emissions

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    Nowadays, more and more people have realized the harm caused by the burning of gasoline in cars to the environment, and the electric bicycle travel mode is sought after by more and more people. There is no doubt that, compared with traditional fuel vehicles, electric bicycles can reduce carbon emissions, make travel more convenient and safer, and cycling can also exercise and improve physical fitness. In recent years, due to the excessive emission of carbon dioxide by human activities, the global temperature is rising year by year. According to a new report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientists estimate that global temperatures will continue to rise by 2030, and the world's extreme climate will intensify, such as floods, cold waves, droughts and other extreme environments will increase successively. If countries do not take action globally, the consequences will be twice as bad as the expected results. Therefore, low-carbon life, low-carbon travel and reducing carbon emissions are the responsibility of every one of us on earth.

What are carbon emissions?

Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities or other entities (such as the burning of fossil fuels in manufacturing, heating, and transportation) are referred to as carbon emissions, and electricity emissions from the production and consumption of goods are associated with carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide or Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

How to reduce carbon emissions?

Usually we can calculate carbon emissions by calculating the amount of greenhouse gases. Now many new products are constantly developing new products to reduce carbon emissions or develop new sustainable renewable energy (such as wind energy, solar energy), and now various fields have begun to develop new energy projects to reduce carbon combustion and reduce carbon emissions.

There are many ways for individuals to reduce their carbon emissions, the easiest of which is to use less cars and travel by bicycle. Reducing the use of cars can reduce gasoline or diesel emissions and help reduce the carbon footprint, and e-bike travel would be a good alternative. Traveling on an e-bike not only reduces carbon emissions, but also provides physical activity and improved health.

We can ride electric bicycles for delivery, commuting and other activities. Although electric bicycles consume electricity and human kinetic energy will also produce a certain amount of carbon dioxide emissions, but compared with cars, the carbon emissions of electric bicycles are much lower. .
The number one benefit of traveling by e-bike is less air pollution, and if you bike to work instead of driving, you'll save about 3,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions each year.
The second benefit of traveling by electric bicycle is to reduce the use of non-renewable resources. The United States uses about 20.5 million barrels of oil per day in 2019. If you use electric vehicles to travel, the consumption of renewable resources can be greatly reduced.
A third benefit of traveling by electric bike is the improvement of the individual's health. Cycling is often associated with improved physical fitness. This practice can improve mental and emotional health. It enhances your balance and posture as well as your cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, strength and general mood. Cycling also allows you to enjoy fresh air and exercise. Cycling has several personal health benefits.

To reduce global carbon emissions by increasing bicycle utilization, a number of global adjustments are suggested, including:

Create a large-scale bicycle infrastructure network

Implementation of bike sharing, with a focus on the connection to public transport.

Amend legislation to protect cyclists and pedestrians

Invest in walking and public transport

Integrate regional land use planning with transportation investment.

Investing in alternative modes of transportation, especially those with far lower CO2 emissions than traditional modes of transportation (personal cars), is a key task for communities to achieve their climate change goals.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, reducing or eliminating your car travel is a great way to start, and the evidence shows it works.

When it comes to large-scale transformation, towns and countries must start developing infrastructure that encourages behavioral change to meet our climate change goals. If we don't, people will be less likely to cycle or walk than drive because they don't feel comfortable.

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